to Wednesday, February 16
We've got a jam-packed evening set for this Community Program - updates on the East River Marsh Migration Project and the UrbanScapes Nursery, a view of some members' photos, and a bird quiz.
Derek Faulkner will provide a progress report on the East River Marsh Migration Project and outline how it will be operating going forward.
Dennis Riordan and Robin Ladouceur will give an update on the UrbanScapes Native Plant Nursery including some of the unforeseen benefits coming from working with those in the Newhallville community.
Donna Lorello will share some of her recent photos
High school student Nathan Rees, who has been photographing birds since he was in elementary school was last year’s recipient of a Menunkatuck scholarship to Audubon’s Hog Island Teen Birding Camp. He will share some of his experiences in a photo essay.
Between the photo shows we will have a bird quiz. How well do you know the size of birds? How about bird name anagrams? Can you id birds from blurred photos? Don't worry. There are no exotic birds, just common backyard and park birds. Have a competition with your family.Here’s a sample question: