CURE100: Communities United to Reduce Emissions 100%

Realize an Emissions-free World by 2040

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Climate change is the existential threat facing the world. Unless we reverse the current trends that are increasing the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) that contribute to global warming, we are on a path to a number of ecological tipping points. Audubon highlighted one of these in its heralded 2019 report Survival by Degrees:389 Species on the Brink. In our region of southern Connecticut, sea level rise threatens our shoreline communities.

While there are many large-scale ways to make significant reduce GHG, there are also small ways that, if done by many people, can also contribute to the overall reduction. Menunkatuck is partnering with CURE100 to help our communities reduce their carbon footprints.

CURE100 has developed a Carbon Tracker app that can be used to help determine a household’s transportation, heating, electricity, food and waste, goods and services, and zip code carbon impact. After you enter the information about each of the categories, you are presented with graphs that compare your impact to the average for your zip code. Then suggestions are made for reducing emissions in each sector that are low effort and cost, medium effort and cost, and high effort and cost.

CURE100 is a not-for-profit consortium of communities that seeks to reduce global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by 2040, or 5% reduction per year, through a combination of advocacy, education and campaigns at the local and global levels. These local and global communities will help each other to take urgent climate action to stave off the worst effects of climate change.

Each of the sectors also has charts that illustrate the different actions and choices impact emission. This sample chart shows how changing the vehicle you use reduces emissions.

Learn about Carbon Tracker
