
Welcome to the CURE100 Carbon Tracker App.  Our carbon emissions can only be reduced by your thoughtful personal choices.  By using this app, you will find ways to reduce your carbon footprint, improve your health and save money.

Purpose of the App

We cannot reduce our carbon footprint unless we measure it accurately.  The app fulfills the following purposes:

  • Provides a framework to measure carbon footprint and track improvements over time.

  • Dispels myths about the carbon savings of various measures; allows us to focus on the biggest hitters.

  • Plants seeds in our minds for the time when big purchasing decisions present themselves (e.g., furnace replacement or car replacement).

  • Allows us to track the overall progress of our community towards the goal of 5% reduction of emissions per year.

  • Gives us a scalable and replicable platform to track emissions reductions in any zip code in the United States.


Before launching the app, please collect the following information:

  • Google credentials (e.g., gmail account login) or you may create a Login ID using a non-Google email address by following these instructions.

  • Make, model and annual miles driven for each vehicle in the household.

  • Amount of electricity (kilowatt-hours or units) consumed annually. You can get this from your utility account online or from monthly paper bills. A single paper bill will often give you a year’s worth of consumption data.

  • Amount of fuel oil, natural gas or propane consumed annually for heating, hot water and cooking.

Brew yourself a cup of tea or coffee, settle down for about 45 minutes, and launch the app!


  • Any information you provide is secure with CURE100 and Menunkatuck.

  • Understanding carbon impact is a personal matter, like stepping on a weighing scale. The goal is not to be judgmental, but rather to increase awareness.

  • The Carbon Tracker app will make you aware of options, recommendations and rebates.

  • As the app is improved, new versions will be released that enhance navigation, improve intuitiveness and introduce new features.

  • Carbon Tracker “Office Hours” are offered if you prefer to have someone help guide you through setup and use of the Carbon Tracker.

By clicking the app link you are agreeing to the CURE100 End User License Agreement and the Cure100 Privacy Policy.

A few practical tips

  1. You can use the app any time 24×7. When you enter the app, your previous answers will be saved, and you can edit your previous responses at any time.

  2. The app comprises the following themes: Transportation (Vehicles, Flights and Train Commuting), Heating, Electricity, Food and Waste, Goods and Services, and Zip Code Overhead. In each theme, you will be asked some questions. When you submit your answers, you can see the carbon results for that theme by clicking on “My Carbon.” A bar graph shows an updated summary of your carbon impact.

  3. You can use the app for “What if” analysis, e.g., “What if I switch to an electric vehicle” or “What if I changed my diet.” You can measure the carbon impact of such changes, and either save the new values (meaning that you have implemented the changes) or discard them by clicking a “Cancel” button.

  4. Future releases of the app will provide a graph that shows you the history of your carbon impact towards the goal of 5% reduction per year for 20 year.

  5. The app works on any modern browser (e.g. Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Brave, ) and any platform (laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone).

  6. If you get stuck or are unsure how to answer a question, use the Feedback tab of the app or e-mail We are committed to making the app more user-friendly to enable self-administration.


Q: Is my information secure?

A: Yes, your information is secure with Menunkatuck and with CURE100. 

Menunkatuck does not share any user information with outside parties. Your carbon tracker data via will be accessible only by our Menunkatuck admins to view community level summary (not individual personal entries).  View the CURE100 privacy policy.

Q: How does the carbon tracker work?

A: The carbon tracker relies on a number of different studies by reputed organizations like the EPA.  Activities like heating or transportation are converted into tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions and presented in the app.  The quantified framework is invaluable in increasing awareness and suggesting next steps.  Read this blog to learn about the history of and source for the Carbon Tracker.

Q: How accurate is the carbon tracker?

A: While we have taken all reasonable steps to be pretty accurate, the intention is not to track every molecule of CO2e, but to provide big-picture directionally correct estimates that can guide our behaviors.

Q: Is the Carbon Tracker only for Menunkatuck?

A: No.  While it was initially designed for residents of the zip code 10520, the app will perform carbon calculations for any of the 42,000 zip codes in the United States.  The app can be licensed for free to any not-for-profit, and can be customized to any zip code in the United States.  Contact us at, if you are interested.

Q: I just finished using the app. What should I do next?

A: Stare at your bar graph summary and ask yourself, “How do I cut my carbon emissions in half by 2030?” and create a long-term action plan for yourself.

Q: I found a bug in the app. I also have suggestions for improvement. Can I get in touch with the developers?

A: Yes, your feedback is welcomed.  Please contact the app developers by using the Feedback tab of the app or at