A visit to Texas, backyard birds through the seasons, bird quizzes, and more.

Join us for Members’ Night, Wednesday, January 24, 7:00 pm.

Check your answers.

Size ‘em up

  1. Brown-headed Cowbird (7.2”)

  2. European Starling (8.4”)

  3. Northern Mockingbird (9.8”)

  4. Blue Jay (10.8”)

  5. Common Grackle (11.8”)

  6. Rock Pigeon (12.6”)


Snowy Owl

Old Bird ames

What bird was known as the Crimson-Winged Troopial?
Red-winged Blackbird

Hidden Birds

What bird is hidden in this sentence?
Mervin the ogre ate Gretchen. Great Egret

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