Migration Birdwatching Scavenger Hunt — Menunkatuck Audubon Society

It’s migration time and in this time of social distancing we can still go out in our neighborhoods and nearby parks to do some birding. To add a bit of fun Menunkatuck is running this birdwatching scavenger hunt. Between April 24 and May 15 keep track of the birds you find from the 120 birds listed on the instruction sheet.


  • Use tools to verify your sightings (app recommendations are listed below).

  • We are using the honor system here - if you are not 100% positive, don’t check it off.

  • Only check off birds that you see or can positively identify by sound during the event timeframe 4/24-5/15.

  • All birding must be done within the Menunkatuck Chapter Region (see menunkatuck.org/about-us). You may bird in a park or IBA that extends into outside of the Menunkatuck area (for example, East Rock Park is partly in Hamden; birds found in the Hamden section count).

  • Prizes will be awarded by committee for most points in by age and experience. 4-7, 8-12, 13-16, Over 16 and Novice, Intermediate, Experienced

  • All entry forms must be uploaded by 5pm on Friday, 5/15 using our online form at  menunkatuck.org/scavenger-hunt

Suggested Birding Spots: menunkatuck.org/birding-spots

FREE Digital Bird Identification Resources:

Mobile Device Apps

Merlin Bird ID by Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Audubon Bird Guide by National Audubon Society 

Computer Software

Thayer Birding Software

Prize List

Prizes can consist of any one or combination of the following and other items - as determined by our committee. Additional prizes may be added.

  • The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America

  • Menunkatuck Tote Bag

  • Menunkatuck Water Bottle

  • Hummingbird Feeder

  • Voucher for a Native Perennial

Download instructions and checklist.

Thanks to Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society for the idea.