Black Chokeberry
Black Chokeberry
Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) is a small, 3 to 6 foot, mound-shaped shrub with slender, multiple stems and dark green foliage turns crimson in fall. It has as many as 30 flowers occur in 2-inch diameter clusters. They open in mid-May. The primary pollinators are small bees. As the seasons progress, the leaves turn a deep glossy green. In mid to late summer clusters of persistent, blackish-purple fruits begin to form. As the pea-sized fruit ripens, it darkens to a purplish-black color. Shortly after maturation, the fruits shrivel, and most drop.Wild Turkeys, Black-capped Chickadees, Northern Mockingbirds, orioles woodpeckers, and Cedar Waxwings are attracted to the fruit. Black chokeberry spreads freely and suckers profusely and over time it can form large, dense colonies.