Red Maple

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Red Maple


Red maple (Acer rubrum) is a native, deciduous tree that may grow to 120 feet tall with a trunk 6 feet in diameter, but is more commonly 40 to 70 feet high and 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet across. Red maple is easy to grow in average, medium to wet, well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade.

Small, red flowers in clusters mature in late winter, and the tree is one of the first to flower in early spring. During spring, small (3/4“) light brown or red winged samaras mature. It is one of the first trees to show color in the fall as the leaves turn orange-red, though the brilliance of this color can vary among individual trees.

Flower nectar attracts bees and other pollinators. Seeds are enjoyed by birds.

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