Menunkatuck Audubon Society is sponsoring a teacher or adult community leader involved in environmental education in the Menunkatuck chapter area (Orange, West Haven, New Haven, Woodbridge, East Haven, Branford, North Branford, Guilford, and Madison, Connecticut) for the week long program “Sharing Nature: An Educator’s Week” at Audubon’s Hog Island camp in Bremen, Maine from July 12-17, 2020.
Hog Island
Menunkatuck Audubon Society seeks to support educators who have a demonstrated commitment to expanding knowledge about and pleasure in birding and the natural habitat. The scholarship will be awarded to an educator or other individual working to support birding, bird conservation, and environmental protection.
Menunkatuck’s scholarship will cover the full cost of the course, room, and board. The scholarship winner must arrange transportation to and from the Audubon mainland property in Bremen at the start and end of the session. The winner agrees that after they complete the course, they will write an account of their experience for the Menunkatuck news blog and make a brief presentation at a Menunkatuck Community Program meeting.
Workshops using techniques in art, music, theater, journaling, and other disciplines will be presented, as well as a host of classic Audubon Camp field trips, including a boat trip to the restored Atlantic Puffin and Tern colony on Eastern Egg Rock, intertidal explorations, and hiking through Hog Island's unspoiled spruce-fir forest.
Details about the program can be viewed at:
Applications must be received by February 29. 2020. Mail to Scholarship, Menunkatuck Audubon Society, PO Box 214, Guilford, CT 06437. You may also email the application to