Bin Building Party

What's a Bin Building Party, you might ask? Good question! It's when concerned citizens and nature lovers - birders, anglers, plastic clean-up and wildlife enthusiasts - get together to help a coalition of Connecticut organizations build Monofilament Fishing Line Recycling Bins that will be deployed around the Greater New Haven Area in order to help protect and conserve bird and wildlife populations.

We received grants from the Connecticut Ornithological Association and the Society of Women Environmental Professionals to make this project a reality. Come out Sunday, June 30 from 10:00 to 1:00 to the Barnard Nature Center on the West River to help us build the bins! We would be so grateful and honored to have you there! Refreshments will be provided!

If you have questions, please email Robin Ladouceur.

Why are we doing this?

This project has been in the making since December, 2018. However, we have fresh evidence of the need to get fishing line out of the environment. In the last week Terry, Ed, and Deanna have rescued two Osprey that became entangled in fishing line.

The first was in Madison.

The second was in Guilford.

Both birds were brought to A Place Called Hope for evaluation and rehabilitation.